Decanter Centrifuge Optimization for Ideal Performance

May 12, 2022
Learn how to optimize your Decanter Centrifuge by adjusting pool depth, rotational speed, feeding position, feed rate and more.

Decanter Centrifuges 用于固体和液体的机械分离的各种应用. They consist of a bowl that rotates at high G-forces, 使固体附着在碗壁上,这一过程被称为沉淀. 在机器的一端,通过螺旋输送机将固体移动到出料口,螺旋输送机的旋转速度比碗略慢. The liquid is discharged out the other end of the Centrifuge.


取决于场地的目标以及固体还是液体是更重要的产物, 卧螺离心机的主要目的可以在以下功能之间变化:

  • Drying/Dewatering – a focus on minimizing the amount of liquid in the solids
  • Clarification – a focus on minimizing the amount of solids in the liquid
  • Washing – a focus on removing soluble contaminants from the solids
  • 分类-重点是允许细颗粒与液体一起去除

To ensure the objectives are being met, 固体和液体样品应进行分析,以确认其符合质量要求. 离心机的性能可以通过调整过程的各个部分来提高,这取决于您的目标. 


Solids discharged from a Decanter Centrifuge.

Pool depth



降低堰板通过增加排水口的半径来减小池的体积, decreasing liquid retention time. 这也减少了泳池的深度,增加了海滩的长度, 让液体有更多的时间从固体中排出,从而形成一个干燥器, more dewatered solids product.

抬高堰板通过减小排水口的半径来增加池的体积, increasing liquid retention time.

这也增加了池的深度,使沉积过程有更多的时间发生, resulting in a clearer liquid.

For aggregate tailings applications, deep pools are preferred, as these provide the best centrate clarity at the lowest power consumption.

深度指示器标记位于排出口旁边,以帮助调整. 注意不要调整池的深度太大,液体的清晰度或固体干燥度变得不令人满意. 

Rotational speed

离心机的沉降过程依赖于碗的旋转所产生的力. 增加碗的转速会增加分离固体和液体的重力, resulting in a drier solids product as well as a clearer liquid product.

离心机的速度可以通过变速驱动器(如果适用)或通过改变驱动滑轮的大小来调整. 确保您的速度不超过操作和维护手册中指定的推荐最大设置. Also, note that depending on the feed material, increasing the speed can actually have the opposite of the intended effect, such as increasing the moisture in certain products, or have no effect at all. 

Feeding position

有些离心机在传送带轮毂内有挡板,形成单独的进料室, each with its own discharge port, along the length of the bowl. The feed pipe can be adjusted to feed any of these ports, changing the location where the slurry is introduced into the bowl.

移动进料点更接近碗的液体端,减少了对在海滩上形成的饼的干扰,并提高了固体的干燥度. 移动进料点更接近固体端碗允许改善沉淀,以提高液体的清晰度.



这个清洗动作应该把液体喷到靠近泳池的海滩区域的固体上. 将喷嘴放置在离固体出口更近的位置会对干燥时间产生负面影响,并产生更湿的固体. 

Slurry consistency and feed rate

特别是在处理细颗粒尺寸(小于45微米或325目)时, 料浆中高浓度的固体会造成一种被称为阻碍沉降的效应. 阻碍沉降阻止了有效的沉淀,从而导致液体清晰度差. 如果进料的固体浓度非常高,可能需要稀释.

Conversely, 极稀的浆料应在离心机前的重力罐中稠化, 注意不要使浆液过稠,以免妨碍沉淀,影响液体的清晰度.

还可以通过减少浆料中液体的体积来提高液体的清晰度, which reduces the velocity and allows the solids more time to sediment. 

Chemical treatment

可能有必要在浆料中加入絮凝剂,以帮助吸引颗粒并将它们聚集在一起,以增加它们的总重并改善沉降. This allows for better liquid clarity, 特别是在饲料中固体浓度高和/或细颗粒尺寸的应用中.


Decanter Centrifuge

Before making any adjustments to a Decanter Centrifuge, 您必须遵守所有现场特定的安全预防措施和机器手册中概述的所有安全预防措施. 你还应该测试你的材料,以确定需要做出哪些调整. Making simple adjustments to the process, such as to the pool depth, rotational speed, feeding position and the feed slurry, can improve the solids dryness or the liquid clarity, depending on the goals of your site. 只要确保你在追求你的目标时不会调整太多,从而损害其他菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全

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Tags: Tailings & Water Management

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