Have You Checked These 5 Things On Your Crusher This Winter?

结束你的季节? 这里有五个任务的冲击破碎机. 你全部抓住了吗?

临近年尾的时候, 当预算越来越少的时候, you’re probably scheduling a number of maintenance tasks with a limited crew. 有些业务全年运行, but there is still the “end of season” period when all the numbers come together. 当面对一年中的这个时候, there are five maintenance tasks you may want to expand upon, 尤其是当你在做手术的时候 primary or 二次冲击式破碎机.

1. 检查轴承

Throughout the year, you’ve been taking periodic temperature readings on the bearing housings. The end of the season is a good time to review this data to see if there are any trends developing. Changing the brand or viscosity of the grease lubricant may have positive or negative effects, 但由于环境温度,这可能是必要的. Reviewing the temperature data may also uncover periods where the bearings ran short of grease. Consult your lubricant dealer before mixing various grades or brands of grease.报价.png?mtime = 20190122172550 #资产:9995

2. 住房维修

Over the course of the season, material builds up on the walls behind the adjusting curtains. The Universal VersaCap and NGS Impactors are equipped with large access doors on the back and top of the crusher housing. 这提供了窗帘后无与伦比的能见度.  试试.png?mtime = 20190122174045 #资产:9996

3. 帘衬垫

The concept of saving money by maneuvering worn liners from one area to another may be economic for some, but you can’t risk losing the integrity of the liner and exposing the soft metal behind it. 一般来说, any cracked liner is a risk and could evolve into a tramp iron event. 帘衬垫 are available as chromium alloy castings of various hardness to best suit your application. The softer castings have greater impact resistance (less cracking) but tend to wear faster than harder castings. The harder castings offer significant wear life and resist abrading type wear, 但它们很容易开裂.  报价3.png?mtime = 20190122174643 #资产:10001

As an alternative to the individual cast curtain liners, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 provides a one-piece full-width liner in a hardness up to the 500 Bhn range. If you’re considering a full-width liner, be sure to give your dealer ample notice. The standard cast liners are maintained in inventories at 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 dealers and at the factory. It should also be noted that no special lifting device is required for these individual curtain liners.  

4. 液压系统

The complete line of Universal impact crushers from 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 all offer hydraulic shim adjustment as standard. 不用再用力拧窗帘了. 事实上,根本就没有扳手. 启动液压动力装置, 拉动杠杆, and the hydraulic ram provides instant access to the shim pack. 液压系统需要极少的维护. 按照手册更换过滤器和液体, and check for leaks in the hydraulic lines and connections. Be sure to bleed out all the air if breaking any hose or fitting connections. 报价4.png?mtime = 20190122175249 #资产:10004 One of the 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 advantages is known as the semi-automatic adjustment feature. 这个可选功能(可作为改装套件), will allow you to raise the curtains while under full load and watch the rock grow on the belt.  

If you are operating in a closed circuit and you’re looking to switch your emphasis from chip stone to concrete rock, 您可以实时监控返回负载. Pick your optimum setting by simply letting go of the switch. 幕筒会保持那个位置. 

The semi-auto adjust feature is electric over hydraulic with a common control box with switches. 它简单而有效, but it does require power to the HPU throughout the shift to stand ready in case of adjustment. The beauty of this inexpensive system, is the fact that you can revert back to the shim adjust mode. 设置垫片以保持新的间隙设置, 收回气缸, 切断HPU电源, 这样就完成了. 

5. 转子维修

Whenever the crusher is open for any reason, take time to observe the condition of the rotor. Take pictures of high wear areas and critical surfaces, and save them for future comparison. 

Changes in wear patterns can be caused by a wide variety of factors. Essentially, all impactors do best with even feed across the rotor at a rate that stays consistent. If you observe wear on the hammers or rotor body that becomes a concern, 随时与菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的人联系. Unexpected changes in wear on the rotor assembly can be puzzling at times, but we can help identify causes and recommend cost-effective remedies. 

The hammers used in Universal impactors all feature a protruding leading edge. The hammer profile provides a means to hold the output gradation longer through the life of the hammer. The best time to flip the hammers is when you realize the capacity has dropped off or the return load in a secondary loop is growing. This assumes you have adjusted the curtains to keep pace with hammer wear. 一般来说, every one inch of hammer wear will noticeably affect the output gradation of the crusher. Adjusting to compensate for hammer wear will ultimately reduce fines, 延长的能力, 提高整个系统的效率. 报价5.png?mtime = 20190122174915 #资产:10003   

With hydraulic assist standard on all Universal impactors, the best means to avoid jamming is to raise and lower the curtains several times a week. 这将打破松散束缚的粒子, 如果定期做的话, 可能会否决进一步的清理措施. The shim pack will ensure the gap setting remains unchanged. 

标签: 破碎, 维护


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