如何 Solve Your Biggest Issues with 洗 and 脱水 Sand

无论您是骨料生产湿法加工方面的新手,还是多年来一直在经营砂厂, here are solutions to some typical issues you may experience when washing and dewatering sand.

Before we get into the issues commonly faced when washing and dewatering sand, 如排入菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全堆的沙子太湿, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸的沙子被送去浪费, sand that isn't consistently in spec and too many hours spent cleaning out settling ponds, let's first address the types of equipment used to wash and dewater sand.

有几种选择可用于洗涤和脱水砂,通常为- 5mm(4目)和更细. These options range from simple to more complex and can vary in capital purchase price, operational cost (including wear parts) and electric power consumption.

其他因素, 例如,当沙子进入成品库存时,洗涤菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全排出的水分范围, 在设置洗砂厂的时候也应该进行审查吗.


Among the simplest devices for washing sand and removing silts and clays is a 细料螺旋垫圈,通常称为沙螺杆. It can be installed on the ground next to a wet vibrating screen. Via a simple flume or chute, a slurry flow of water and sand can be used to feed the sand screw. 

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菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 优质材料螺旋垫圈 wash, classify and dewater fine material.

如果合适的大小由当地经销商或制造商, you should be able to retain most of the required +75 micron (200 mesh) sand. 为75-100吨/小时的沙子饲料, 你只需要大约10千瓦或15马力的电力,就可以通过提升带式堆叠输送机将可输送的沙子放在菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全堆上.


在全球范围内, 水力旋流器 have widely been used for a similar fines removal and dewatering function. 没有活动部件, a Hydrocyclone or group of 水力旋流器 in a cluster can be installed in several ways. 有些安装在塔或其他类型的结构上,远离其他加工设备. 

以达到适当的性能, 通常,水力旋流器必须通过泵送浆液,在一致的固体百分比范围内,并在水力旋流器供应商要求的压力下进行进料. 有了这些要求, 资金和运营成本, 包括必要的电力, 在考虑水力旋流器时是否应该进行审查.


最近,各种各样的设计 脱水屏幕 已经进入市场. 设计合理的脱水筛是任何常用脱水装置中最干燥的洗砂菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全. 此外,所需的空间比其他选项少. 

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菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 脱水屏幕 can reduce the moisture content in a final product to as low as 7%.

Depending on the slurry of the sand feed and specifically the percent solids of the sand flow, 这些装置通常需要一个水槽, 泵和一个或两个水力旋流器使浆料部分脱水,以使筛充分发挥作用. 脱水筛系统所需的资金成本通常是其他选择的两倍以上, 而电费往往高达三倍以上.


斗轮 are another option for dewatering a slurry of sand. 与其他设计相比,有些设计更复杂,以保留+75微米(200目)洗砂. While typically low in the electric power costs required for driving the wheel assembly, their capital cost can be higher than some sand dewatering equipment choices.


操作洗涤设备时, 环境法规通常要求您在您的财产中包含淤泥/粘土污垢洗涤水的流出物. 你会有很多洗衣服的水, 但由于它可能含有10%的超细固体, 它不能用于你的植物-除非你能以某种方式将淤泥和/或粘土从大部分水中分离出来.

增稠器可使洗涤厂回收高达85%的水,供洗涤厂立即使用. 通常以40%固体含量排放的浓缩泥浆也减少了尾矿容器所需的空间. 各种类型的 增稠剂 are used widely by mining and aggregate construction industry washing plants.

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Other devices that can further dewater a Thickener solids discharge include 滤波器按、离心机和带式压滤机. 一些集料公司在使用这些技术时,完全取消了与岩石和沙子洗矿厂相关的沉淀池.


Now that we've looked at the equipment typically found in sand washing plants, let's address some typical questions with washing and dewatering sand.

My sand is wet when discharging onto the stockpile from the dewatering equipment.

这取决于你用的是什么设备, 有时只需要简单的调整或在正确的注射点加水(是的, adding water at the right point) to make the sand going onto the pile drier.

如果你有砂螺丝, 确保你有冲洗水冲洗出脱水区通道积聚的细粉可以做出很大的改变, 导致干燥的沙子从机器中排出.

Sometimes we’re asked: "How much water is needed in the water connections?这些连接的范围从3/4”(19mm)到1.5" (38mm). 

虽然有一些制造商公布的表格, the right answer is that you only need enough water to keep the trough or channel clear of fine sand. 

不管你的工厂的水压是多少, 在这些水管上有一个手动控制阀,可以很容易地调节添加足够(而不是过量)的水.

如果你操作真空辅助水力旋流器,有时被称为 分隔符™, 对真空空气管路进行简单的调整,改变橡胶底流调节器的开度,就可以使干燥的沙子排出.

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Adjusting the vacuum air line on a Separator™ can result in a drier sand discharge.

Just a periodic visual observation of the units you may have in your sand washing plant, be it in a primary sand circuit or a secondary fine sand recovery system, can reduce the moisture content of the material discharging to your sand pile.

Weir positioning on sand screws and bucket wheels is used more for controlling fines retention, and the weirs can be adjusted to a lower position to provide more dewatering. This option is often overlooked as a potential adjustment to discharge a drier sand to a stockpile.


也许你最近在沙子脱水装置之前的洗筛上加了更多的水,以使岩石更干净. This can result in losing +75 micron (+200 mesh) sand to your settling pond. You can’t cut back on the wash screen water, as the rock is too dirty, out of spec.

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A 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 细料螺旋垫圈 follows a wet screen in the above photo.

如果你必须保持水的体积和现在的设备一样小,你想把这些细沙留在你的洗砂中, some type of capital equipment changes or additions will be needed. 

如果使用斗轮或砂螺杆, 增加一个适当大小的水力旋流器来处理脱水装置的溢流已成功地用于回收损失, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全细粒. 这还需要增加一个贮槽和泵,以所需的进口压力向水力旋流器进料. Mounting the Hydrocyclone over the discharge of your existing dewatering unit is common.

Another option if you're using a sand screw is to replace the existing unit with a larger machine. The capacity of a larger 细料螺旋垫圈 shaft might not be needed, 但更大的浴盆和更高的水容量通常会保持更细的沙子在你的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全堆.

Talk to several of your suppliers to get ideas as to what might be the best solution to this issue. 很多产砂商都有这个问题.


有几个原因可以解释为什么一次作业不能持续生产符合规格的混凝土砂, 开始, 也许, 它们的物质沉淀. This can happen in either a crushed stone manufactured sand plant or an alluvial sand deposit.

在砂处理设备之前,在洗网上使用的筛网孔径的变化可以产生影响. 筛网或筛分介质类型的微小差异会对洗砂堆上的砂级配产生显着差异.

制造规格C-33混凝土砂的问题可能是因为您的设备没有保留足够的-150微米(100目)细粒. 如前所述,拥有正确的齿轮来保留所需的细粒可能有助于您制作规格砂.

最后, 你可能需要考虑在你的洗衣机/脱水装置之前添加一个沙子分类器. 有两种基本类型的砂分类器可以去除+150微米(100目)的多余中间砂。. 一是v型箱,多阀排料站 分类罐. 另一种是上电流分类器,有时称为上电流分类器 Hydrosizer™

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Hydrosizers™ allow for the reblending of sand into two or three products.

这些单位允许重新混合粗料, 中间和保留细砂分为两种或三种菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全, 取决于配置, 允许产生a的 规格建筑用砂 比如C-33混凝土砂.

My boss says we need to reduce the number of hours bailing out our settling ponds.

一些砂厂的操作人员没有记录在清理沉淀池上花费的人力和设备时间. 如果你要填补一个采空区, 采石场的废弃部分, 你可以继续填你挖出来的洞.

其他操作人员必须维护围堵池,以免将超细颗粒排放到附近的溪流或邻近的土地上. Some aggregate plants use many acres of land to contain super fines. 某些操作人员不得不限制他们的工厂运行时间,以跟上他们的沉降池不断排出的垃圾.

如果后一个例子就是你, several equipment options are available to reduce or eliminate the need for these containment ponds. 使用水力旋流器或配备水力旋流器和脱水筛的系统可以回收38微米(400目)及以上的超细材料. The use of this gear can reduce the volume of flow into a settling pond. 

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滤波器按 separate tailings slurry into reusable process water and drip-free cakes, 潜在地消除沉淀池. 

If your solids effluent fraction is more -38 micron clays and silts, the use of 增稠机和压滤机 are more and more commonly implemented. 增稠剂 将浆液中的固体与液体分离,以减少用于沉淀池的物料体积,并回收清洁的工艺用水,以便在工厂中重复使用. 

滤波器按 也可以将固体从液体中分离出来, producing a drip-free cake from the solids and clear process water for reuse in the plant. 用压滤机, 沉降池可以完全消除, and with that, the time required for cleaning out those settling ponds. 

标签: 洗 & 分类, 如何


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