Why You Should Consider Incorporating 粪便分离 On Your 乳制品

Managing your dairy manure is never simple. 即使你只是把粪便直接从你的牛巷转移到一个储存池或泻湖, 你最终需要清理那个地方,并找出在哪里摄取这些营养. 粪便固液分离可以帮助你管理你的粪便,让你更有战略地放置你的营养物质.




If your dairy is bedding on sawdust or another similar form of organic bedding, adding a manure separator may allow you to create your own bedding source. This can be achieved with either a 螺旋压力机 or 滚动新闻 系统. The separated manure fibers can be mixed with your bedding or used by themselves. 如果自己用,加一个 床上用品干燥机 can really help with reducing moisture and bacteria levels. 

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Dried manure solids discharging from a 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 肥料垫料烘干机.

Flexibility with hauling and pumping the manure

粪便的处理极具挑战性,因为它是如此不可预测. 粪便中可能含有耳标、长纤维、绳子和混凝土块,仅举几例. 这种外来物质对泵系统和下游加工设备造成严重破坏. Installing a manure separator removes all this unwanted debris, 还有粪便纤维, immediately and in a more manageable manner. With the manure fibers and debris removed, 剩余的污水可以通过泵送系统转移到卡车或田地,以减少堵塞管道的风险, 泵和喷嘴. 在某些情况下,它可以灌溉水和养分,这在以前是不可能的.


在很多情况下, 上清(粪便水中较清洁的部分)从储存泻湖中回收,用于冲洗牛道, cow holding 是as and flume pipes. 在粪肥储存之前添加粪肥分离设备可减少泻湖中的有机负荷, which yields higher quality return water to the barns. 经常, water can be reused immediately from the separation equipment, eliminating the need to pump water back and forth from barn to storage.


用一种固液分离的方式处理粪便可以减少奶牛所需的泻湖大小. It also reduces the organic loading going into the lagoon, which makes it less energy intensive to remove. Cornell University’s Pro-乳制品 program published a 研究了几种机械固液分离方法,并得出结论,分离可以将所需的泻湖尺寸减少30%.


结合固液分离可以使营养物质更有策略地放置. By removing the 大 fibers and unwanted debris from the manure, the remaining liquid containing the bulk of the nutrients can be transported, transferred and applied with greater flexibility. The liquid effluent no longer needs to be hauled to fields with tankers and trucks; it can be pumped and applied strategically with irrigation and injection 系统s. 分离的纤维由于其较低的体积密度,可以以较低的成本进行进一步的运输.



Two separate manure streams to manage

The separated fibers will need to be periodically moved and stacked. This is accomplished on most dairies with either a skid-steer or 大 loader. 所需的时间取决于乳制品的大小,但有时每天需要几个小时. 也, instead of hauling the manure with a single style piece of equipment, 通常是粪肥运输船, a box spreader is needed to haul and spread the separated fibers. If the dairy doesn’t already own one, this can be an additional capital expense.

Increased operating and maintenance costs

在你的乳制品中增加分离会增加你的操作和维护成本. 在大多数情况下, it means adding at least one electric motor, usually two when an additional pump is needed. There’s also the additional labor that’s required to periodically clean, inspect and fix the components in the 系统. These increased costs cannot be ignored. 


This capital cost goes further than just the equipment. 混凝土、结构、支架、管道和电气成本也要考虑在内. In cold climates that get below freezing, 需要有额外供暖的建筑来保证设备在冬季的运行. 


There 是 multiple ways to accomplish manure separation. 这些方法从简单的到非常复杂的方法都可以去除纤维和营养物质. Several of the more common and relatively simpler methods 是 described below. 


This technology can be used across a wide range of industries. It can be found processing food waste, screening wastewater and sorting minerals. 这种相对简单的技术使用由筛网或穿孔板组成的旋转滚筒. 待加工的物料可以被引入筛网的内部(内给料)或外部(外给料). Particles 是 captured on the screen while liquid and fines travel through. Spray bars 是 common, and brushes can be added to help keep the screen clean. 这些筛管为粪肥系统提供了很大的分离,有可能产生旁路砂. 

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一个菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 旋转屏幕


倾斜屏幕, sometimes called sidehill screens, 香蕉屏或斜坡屏, 是, 顾名思义, 大, flat or curved screens that 是 set on a specific angle close to vertical. Material is pumped through the top and allowed to cascade down the screen. Fibers 是 separated and dewatered on the face of the screen before falling off. One of the advantages of this screen is no moving parts. Some screens incorporate wash bars and vibrating motors to aid in screen cleaning. The 大 advantage is no electrical requirements. 


There 是 multiple variations to this type of screener, 但它们都使用振动马达使筛网作圆形或椭圆形运动,以帮助颗粒分离,并使分离出来的物质运动起来. These screens have a high processing capacity for the relatively small footprint. These screens require periodic cleaning.  


These 系统s use a drag chain located within an inclined trough, the bottom of which is built from screen material. The chain is slowly pulled upward toward the discharge. 当它向上拉的时候, 它会清除屏幕上捕获的纤维,并将它们拖到排放口. 


辊压分离器是与转鼓串联使用的二级分离器,用于脱水浓缩粪肥. 物料在两个旋转的辊子之间送料,辊子之间有一个高压区. 其中一卷包含小开口,允许水通过,同时保留纤维. 这些机器有一个小的整体筛选面积,所以他们不用于初级分离. 

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一个菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 滚动新闻


螺旋压力机es 是 compact separation and dewatering machines. They contain a rotating screw shaft within a screen. As material is conveyed into the body of the machine, the screw advances it forward past the screening surfaces. 在筛网上捕获的纤维被螺杆擦去并向前推进. As these fibers accumulate at the discharge, they form a “plug” of material that is highly compressed and dewatered. 这些多功能的分离机提供了一个紧凑的足迹很大的分离. Due to high tolerances and high pressure zones, they 是 prone to abrasive wear. 



混凝土 Storages, Weeping Walls, etc.

这些方法可以有效地去除一部分较大的纤维和材料,这些纤维和材料会随着重力沉降. 本质上, 肥料被输送到一个大的沉淀区,创造足够的停留时间,使材料沉淀. In the case of a weeping wall or variations of them, there 是 是as in the walls or floors that allow liquids to drain through. Fibrous material tends to blind over the drainage 是as rather quickly, rendering them ineffective for dewatering. These 系统s can be labor-intensive during cleanout. 

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Weeping walls allow liquid to drain through.


More complex methods include centrifuges, 超滤膜, 盘按, belt filter presses and chemical dosing 系统s. 这些复杂的方法通常在去除固体方面更有效,但需要更高的资本支出和操作成本. These higher costs must be weighed against the benefit of greater solids removal. 

在你的奶牛上添加粪便固液分离系统通常是一种更有策略地管理粪便营养的好方法,并允许你实施更经济的粪便转移和施用方法. 有多种方法可以实现奶牛的粪便分离目标, 因此,在选择最适合您的乳制品需求和管理风格的方法之前,请仔细查看.


标签: 粪便分离 & 脱水


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