3 Steps for Optimizing Your Processing Plant to Increase Tons Per Hour

Following these three steps will help you produce an extra 3 to 5 tons an hour of material.

The goal of any 破碎 plant is to produce the required material sizes at the lowest cost per ton. 在现有的基础上进行小的改变 破碎筛选 电路, 如对破碎机速度的调整和封闭侧的设置, producers can turn out a few extra tons each hour to really make the most of their operation. 

When making changes to your 破碎 和 筛选 circuit, keep these two things in mind: 

  • 不要一次做很多改变. 如果你一次做太多的改变, you won’t be able to tell what is working 和 what is not working. 
  • 文档的一切. 你无法管理你不衡量的东西. Keeping a written or typed log of even the simplest of things will prove beneficial in the long term.


Plant optimization is an ongoing process that is part of the circuit; it is not simply a task to be performed. 你必须有一个系统来实现每吨的最低成本. The system is  the process of measurement 和 adjustment — how you look at your process, 你是如何做出调整的, 如何测量, 等. ——它必须是一致的. 


1. 评估电路的性能

Establish the design capacity of every piece of equipment within the complete circuit by first gathering the production capacities as rated by the manufacturer. Consider the external factors that can affect the capacity of the equipment, 比如材料的硬度, 形状, 水分含量, 分级, 等. Identify the design limitations or bottlenecks that will decrease capacity. 

Perform a physical assessment of each component to identify actual capabilities.

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  • 确认破碎机在节流水平运行.
  • 皮带切断进料 并从每个破碎机排出.
  • 记录破碎机封闭侧设置.
  • 记录破碎机的功耗.
  • 检查传送带速度.
  • Identify the condition of the crusher liners at the time of sampling.
  • 确定通过破碎机封闭侧设置的百分比. 
  • Identify the amount of recirculating load coming back to the crusher if operating in a closed circuit). 

输出渐变很重要, so be sure to conduct an assessment of the crusher conveyor belt cuts to determine:

  • 实际破碎机吞吐量(stph).
  • 还原比(F80除以P80).
  • 通过破碎机封闭侧设定的百分比.
  • 破碎机所生产的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全形状.

Don’t neglect to perform an assessment of the screen’s performance. 纱窗是工厂的钱箱. 而破碎机产生分级, 是为规格生产菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的丝网. 

Ineffective 筛选 of the crusher feed will have a detrimental effect on the crusher’s operation in terms of wasted horsepower, 降低减速比,增加磨损.

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  • 采取带式切割的筛网给料输送带.
  • 采取筛甲板卸料带切割.
  • 检查传送带速度(每分钟英尺).
  • Measure the bed depth at the discharge tip of each screen deck.
  • 检查并记录屏幕速度.
  • 检查并记录屏幕笔划.
  • 检查并记录冲程角度.
  • 确保缓冲器正确设置和对齐.

2. 预测生产需求

Once the circuit capabilities are established through the assessment process, 制定一个生产计划是必要的. 

Forecast your production needs by meeting with your sales team 和 customers to talk about trends in the marketplace — what customers are buying 和 what customers aren’t buying — to determine a production schedule. The production schedule will be a combination of the sales forecast 和 what your plant can actually produce. 

Work with a complete management team to establish a realistic sales forecast, 定期复习. 

3. 维护电路性能

The key to maintaining the circuit’s production performance is establishing procedures to identify how each component is operating. 每台设备都有自己的运行参数.

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  • 了解破碎机的设计极限.e. 体积,功率,力.
  • 保存每日操作记录表.
  • Maintain a proper well-blended feed to the center of the crusher.
  • 尽量减少进料离析.
  • 选择合适的破碎机衬板.
  • 当您发现生产力下降了10%时,请更换衬垫.
  • 保持适当的给料顶部尺寸到破碎机.
  • 经常调整破碎机的闭侧设置.
  • 保持适当的破碎机传动带张力.
  • 保持破碎机润滑油的清洁.



  • 检查并保持适当的屏幕介质和笔画.
  • 选择合适的屏幕媒体.
  • 经常检查介质是否磨损或故障.
  • 检查丝网介质的张力.
  • 请确保屏幕馈送正确.
  • 在屏幕本体周围保持足够的间隙.
  • 保持适当的传动带张力.
  • Lubricate the screen bearings per the manufacturer’s instruction. 
  • 检查弹簧状态.
  • 检查缓冲器的调整.



  • 检查输送机托辊(搬运和返回).
  • 检查输送带滑轮(头、尾、重力卷取).
  • 检查输送带状况和张力.
  • 检查皮带接头.
  • 检查并保持适当的传动带张力.
  • 根据制造商的说明更换减速器油.
  • Lubricate the conveyor bearings per the manufacturer’s instruction.


Scheduled maintenance is the only way to ensure that the circuit will continue to produce. 每班、每周、每月、每季度、每年等都抽出一些时间. to inspect components can prevent unexpected 和 often costly breakdowns.

Prepare a written preventative maintenance program (your manufacturer can provide recommendations for each piece of equipment) that includes specific dates when work will be completed 和 have it approved by the management team. 

The most important part of a preventative maintenance program is sticking to it. Regardless of production requirements or if you think you can skip a day, preventative maintenance will ensure optimal operation of your equipment.


The most efficient way to maximize the production levels of the processing circuit is with an ongoing system. 这个系统很简单,但需要时间. 

第一个, you need to take time to assess the circuit in order to underst和 how your equipment is operating. This will help you to determine if you are producing what you want 和 how to adjust the circuit to make changes if you are not. It allows you to see what happens as you make changes 和 whether those changes have a positive effect on the plant. Documenting each step in the assessment process is key to realizing the benefits of your efforts. 

Next, take time to put together a production scheduled based on forecasts in the marketplace. Knowing you need to produce so many tons of a certain product in a certain amount of time 和 factoring in downtime will tell you how many hours you need to operate to meet those goals. 监控月度或季度预测.

最后, establish 和 stick to a preventative maintenance schedule to ensure optimal equipment operation. 

遵循这三个步骤可以使操作更好. It will help you determine how to produce an extra 3 to 5 tons per hour, 使生产与销售保持一致, 制造顾客今天和明天都想买的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全. This system is the only way to ensure that the circuit is producing the desired size products at the lowest cost per ton.

标签: 破碎, 筛选/大小


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