
Weld-on crusher teeth are helping mines reduce downtime and increase productivity.

在所有破碎应用中, 最终用户体验会磨损它们的破碎元素, 无论是 下巴 死了, 圆锥破碎机 水平轴衬套 冲击式破碎机 吹酒吧或卷进来 辊破碎机.

如果能延长这些元素的寿命, this would equate to increased production due to less downtime required for maintenance and lower cost per ton by increased wear life, 这最终意味着更畅销的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全和更高的盈利能力, not to mention the safety aspect and less exposure for possible injury to your workforce because of less wear parts being replaced.


In 2003, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Corporation initiated the development of a weld-on tooth for our roll elements with a focus on two key elements: first and foremost, 牙齿必须提供大量的增加使用寿命, which ultimately reduces downtime and maintenance costs; second, the tooth must be replaceable so the life of roll elements can be maximized.

从早期使用硬质合金齿帽的成功经验中吸取养分, we recognized a need for carbide in more than one plane to further protect a tooth’s leading edge. 

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为了实现这些目标, 有几个问题必须克服, 包括使用不同的材料, as well as the casting process that would allow for carbide to be evenly distributed on two planes of the crushing surface. The end result was a casting (shown below) impregnated with carbide particles of varying sizes in the front and top that could be successfully welded to base elements specific for a Roll Crusher design.

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Once developed and our internal testing complete, the focus shifted to field trials. A select mine in the Powder River Basin was chosen due to the amount of tons processed and because they were already using 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 roll elements with teeth having carbide tooth caps.

在这些牙齿发育之前, mines utilizing our roll segments were processing approximately 20 million tons of coal before having to address wear or replace with new. With the implementation of this design, the carbide impregnated teeth were an instant success. The mines were able to process approximately 40 million tons before needing to address the segments.

在其他会议之后, it was discovered that it wasn’t wear on the teeth that was forcing the mines to change the roll segments, 但对节体的磨损和缺失的牙齿. 因此, we determined that the weld securing the teeth was most prone to wear, 所以我们开始用硬堆焊覆盖焊缝.

除了, we began applying hard-surfacing to the segment body radially (with the direction of rotation) rather than the standard cross-hatch pattern. These simple changes have allowed these mines to process in excess of 60 million tons over a set of our roll segments equipped with carbide impregnated teeth. 


自从在粉河流域取得成功以来, roll elements with carbide-impregnated teeth have proven successful in many different applications, 包括:高灰分(岩石)的ROM煤, 铝土矿矿石, 多金属矿(锌/银/铅), 盐和最近的, 磷酸盐矿石. 不管提到的应用程序是什么, 所有的安装都减少了维护时间, 这显然增加了操作时间. 

Other examples of how carbide-impregnated teeth have increased operating time include the following: 


A prep plant in Utah that was processing ROM coal from their underground mine would install a set of roll shells rebuilt by a local shop into their machine. The machine would operate for approximately six weeks before the customer would spend 36 hours every weekend welding on and building up the teeth and adding hard-surfacing in preparation to operate the next week. 在重复这个过程六个月之后, 这些炮弹将被移除,换上另一套.

After installing a rebuilt set of roll using carbide-impregnated weld-on teeth, the customer addressed some minor wear on the roll shell bodies after six months of operation. 经过12个月的运作, some missing teeth were replaced (the crushers will occasionally receive some uncrushable material from the underground mine). At 16 months, the customer removed the shells and installed another set. 


在犹他州的另一个矿井, a 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Heavy-Duty Double Roll Crusher was processing 磷酸盐矿石 using hardened steel segments with each tooth hard-surfaced. 由于滚动组件转动的速度, 结合高进给量和大进给量, the customer was forced to address wear on the segment teeth at least two shifts per week. One segment equipped with carbide-impregnated weld-on teeth was installed among a balance of the existing cast steel segments with hard-surfaced teeth.

The customer continued to hard-surface teeth on the existing segments; however, the customer did not need to address the segment equipped with carbide-impregnated teeth for approximately nine months.

从那时起, the customer has equipped one roll assembly with carbide tooth segments while consuming stock of the original cast steel segments. The last report is that the segments have been in operation for more than a year with no additional maintenance required. 


There are certainly other successes; we have not witnessed one installation where carbide-impregnated teeth have not met or exceeded the customer’s expectations. 虽然无法预测或保证它们的持续时间, many applications that have been converted to carbide-impregnated teeth have improved wear life a minimum of three to four times.

除了, the teeth are also sold separately for the support of existing roll elements. 因此, 如果牙齿磨损或由于不可破碎的材料而断裂, 新牙可以焊接到位,继续工作.

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For more information on how carbide-impregnated weld-on teeth can help you reduce downtime and increase productivity, 接触菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全.

标签: 破碎


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