带式压滤机与. 凹板式压滤机:4个主要区别

而带式压机和凹板式压机同时对浆料进行脱水, 这两种设备之间有四个关键区别.

Belt filter presses and recessed plate filter presses are both used to separate solids and liquids in slurries in a variety of applications, 包括集料和采矿业. 

然而,这两款设备的相似之处就到此为止了. 除了设计和它们的工作方式, 带式压滤机和凹板式压滤机在四个关键领域有所不同, 它们概述如下. 


Belt filter presses are a type of equipment used to separate solids and liquids in slurries. 

The slurry is continuously fed to a delivery zone/box, then forced between two moving porous belts. 皮带在不同直径的辊子上和下面通过, forcing the liquid to be squeezed out of the slurry while the solid cake material is retained between the belts. Increased pressure is created as the belt passes over rollers of decreasing diameter.  

带式过滤工艺有多种设计, 但它们都包含以下基本特征: 

  • 聚合物调理区 
  • 重力排水带
  • 低压挤压区 
  • 高压挤压区

先进的设计提供了大的过滤面积, 额外的辊, 可变带速可以增加几个百分点的饼固体. 


  • 脱水腰带
  • 滚子和轴承
  • 皮带跟踪和张紧系统
  • 控制和驱动器
  • 一种带式洗涤系统制造技术

带式压滤机具有低到中等的初始资本成本, 具有更小的安装空间. Operating costs tend to be high due the need for a full-time operator and the use of chemical dewatering aids. 

维护成本s are also expensive due belt and roller wear as well as failure from continuous movement of the tensioned belts between the rollers. Belts and roller bearings require frequent replacement, creating lower overall availability. Belt presses have a reputation of requiring frequent belt washing and are very sensitive to process variations.


凹板式压滤机 是否用于将浆料脱水成可管理的, “干燥”饼料并回收清浆液, 通常水.   

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凹进式压滤机和膜板式压滤机就是其中之一 最古老的脱水装置几个世纪前,人们就用它来回收橄榄油和葡萄汁. 今天, filter press equipment is commonly used in aggregate and mineral processing waste slurry applications as well as mineral concentrate processing. 

Typical filter presses are composed of a heavy-duty support framework holding a series of polypropylene plates with concave surfaces on each side of the plate. Synthetic filter cloths cover the plate surfaces completely to allow the initial separation of slurry liquid and solids. 这些板用液压紧紧地夹在一起, 在板材表面之间形成空隙.  

高压 浆料给水泵 迫使浆料进入板间的空隙. 浆液固体在板间被捕获, 当液体通过安装在平板表面的滤布时. 

当没有额外的浆料可以泵入压滤机时, 浆料进料泵停止,板材分离, 让蛋糕在重力作用下从压机中掉出来.  


一旦所有的滤饼都从压滤机上掉下来, a new batch cycle can begin again with the press closing and clamping the plates together.  

Depending on the type of material being dewatered and the size of the filter press equipment, the 周期时间 可以从短短的10分钟到几个小时或更长时间不等.

处理大量浆料,每小时可处理多达100吨的干燥物料, 现代压滤机可以非常大,需要很大的安装空间. 今天常见的压滤板尺寸可以达到8英尺宽8英尺高(2.5m x 2.5米或更大. The up-front investment for a recessed plate filter press can be high due the size of the equipment and the required support structure. 


  • 只需要兼职操作员
  • 降低易损件成本 
  • 通常不需要化学脱水助剂

因为浆料被完全捕获在滤板之间, very high dewatering pressures (up to 225 psi or higher) can be applied to the slurry. 高脱水压力产生 饼状固体最高浓度 适用于任何机械脱水设备.


The key differences between a belt filter press and recessed/membrane plate filter press include:

  • 连续过程与批处理过程
  • 化学品使用
  • 运营商的需求
  • 维护成本

连续过程vs. 批处理


The slurry being dewatered flows into the feed box while the filtrate drains through the filter belts, 随着脱水后的饼不断从压机末端排出.   

The benefit of a continuous system is no requirement for a surge or buffer tank prior to the belt press.  


The slurry flow at the beginning of each cycle is very high because the chambers between the plates are empty. 当房间被填满, the slurry flow rate decreases until very little additional slurry can be pumped into the press. At that time, the pump is stopped to allow the cakes to be discharged out of the press. 一旦蛋糕全部排出,一个新的循环就可以开始了.  

由于这种批量性质的压版作业, a surge or buffer tank is required to accumulate the slurry while the 浆料给水泵 flow is low or stopped.


Belt presses require the use of a chemical flocculent to attract the fine solid particles in the slurry to agglomerate into larger particles that will drain water easier.  

在大多数情况下, the amount of chemical added is directly related to how dry the dewatered cakes eventually become at the discharge of the belt press.  

Plate presses typically do not require any chemical additives to aid dewatering because the slurry material is forced with a feed pump into a closed space between the filter plates. Much higher dewatering pressures can be generated in the plate press, resulting in drier cakes. 

在一般情况下, 适用于任何类型的浆料, a plate press will be able to attain 5-10% lower moisture cakes compared to a belt press.


Belt presses require full-time operators due to their inherent sensitivity to process changes and the need to make routine adjustments to optimize dewatering efficiency.  

印版印刷机可以完全自动化,所以他们只需要定期监测. 在板式压机上连续监测浆料的进料压力和流量, allowing the control system to automatically adjust the dewatering cycle length to maintain optimum dewatering efficiency when normal process changes occur.


Typical maintenance cost for a belt press will be higher compared to a plate press primarily due to the higher number of continuously moving parts on a belt press.   

The belt press uses two continuously moving filter belts that are driven and directed by 15-20 rollers. The rollers and roller bearings are exposed to the fine slurry particles as well as the filtrate that drains through the belts. 这导致固体在滚筒和皮带上不断堆积, 是什么导致了磨损和整体腐蚀, 最终需要更换滚筒和皮带.  

The entire belt press must be cleaned periodically to prevent excessive buildup damage and to minimize abrasion and corrosion. The cleaning and maintenance repairs required on a belt press cause loss of operating time, 降低整体效率.   

The plate press operation involves very limited movement of the filter press components. 一个周期一次,时间很短(通常只有几分钟), 滤板关闭,开始一个新的循环,然后打开,排出滤饼. 因此, 由于板块的有限运动,磨损很小, 通常会导致更低的维护成本. 可能需要定期清洗布料, but this is dependent on the cloth material and the type of material being dewatered.

当决定带式压滤机和凹板式压滤机之间, 你应该考虑长期成本和前期成本. 带式压滤机可能需要较少的资本成本, 但维修和化学药品的终身维护成本可能会增加. 另一方面, 凹进式板式压滤机的使用寿命成本非常低, as they don't require a full-time operator or chemical additives and require less maintenance.

标签: 尾矿 & 水资源管理


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