
Reclaiming your process water for reuse can help alleviate maintenance tasks or permitting issues. Implementing a tiered approach to handling your tailings stream can help with water management at your site.

可能又是水费账单, a permitting issue or maybe it’s the frightening silence of your wash plant as you survey the job of cleaning out your pond to reclaim room for more feed when the plant starts to produce again. Whatever it is, reclaiming water for immediate reuse might be just the remedy for the pain you feel.

在你的湿处理系统中没有水是不会有什么好结果的. 此外, managing your water does not have to be such a boat anchor as it may seem sometimes. 在菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全, we prefer to tailor a solution to meet your specific needs when it comes to most processes, 这当然不是特例. 

当我们考虑如何帮助你管理你的水, 我们经常考虑分层的方法, 使用既符合预算又符合需求的技术. 我们所说的分层方法是什么意思? 这很简单, actually; the tiers are based on three unit operations to handle your tailings stream:

  1. 超细粒回收
  2. 沉积
  3. 过滤

These tiers may be implemented individually or in series depending on the level of water recovery and solids handling you wish to achieve.

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虽然不一定是水回收作业 本身, 超细粒回收 (UFR) System is typically used to offload pressure on your tailings pond by removing particles down through 30 microns (based on 2.7比重),同时产生非常可控的(i.e.(可运输的,可堆叠的)细粉菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全. 多年来, 生产商在他们的废物流中挣扎着应对这些罚款, mostly being focused on what sort of product could be made with these fines or how they might even be treated to a state where they were easily handled.

1993年,菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的Linatex工艺技术集团采用了组合的想法 飓风 与他们的 脱水筛 为了提供这个解决方案. 旋风是用来回收固体的, 脱水屏, 伴随而来的是低开口面积和结块能力, 是用来捕获超细颗粒的吗. 系统是健壮的,因为它们是由众所周知的, 经过验证的设备,易于部署, as they are built as modular systems that can be erected with several simple crane picks. Producers have relied on these systems to extend their pond lifecycle and water quality now for a quarter of a century.

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我们要单独拿下UFR吗, it is obvious that while the UFR can help from a pond maintenance and extended water quality aspect, water must travel to the pond and meander its way about through several ponds before it can be brought back to the plant for reuse. 池塘系统, 虽然在日常生活中看起来是良性的, 除清洗之外还有其他成本吗. 一些问题包括:

  • Exposure of your resource (water) to losses through seepage from the pond and/or evaporation.
  • 员工在池塘附近工作时的安全隐患.
  • 可能在可开采储量上.


沉积 is the basis for the processes known as thickening and clarification. 通常用于这些操作的设备包括:

  1. 高效的增稠剂
  2. 高密度的增稠剂
  3. 粘贴增稠剂
  4. 板澄清器

因为没有更好的描述, each of these units are different designs of buckets in which we allow suspended solids the opportunity to settle by gravity through the water in which they are dispersed. You can imagine that these could be some large tanks if we wait for gravity alone to act on the fine particles. 为了帮助这个过程,se suspensions of solids are destabilized by the use of two types of chemical reagents:

  • 凝结剂
  • 絮凝剂

Particles are kept in suspension via their small size (high drag forces) and electrical 负责s that exist on the particle surfaces. 凝血剂通常带阳性, 或阳离子, 对粒子表面的负电荷进行充电和攻击, 降低了它们相互排斥的能力. 在自然界中,我们在河流与海洋交汇的地方看到了这种凝结. 在这方面,海水是一种混凝剂,因为它含有盐. 因此, fine suspended particles of clay that arrive in the brackish and salt water of the land/ocean environment are immediately reduced in surface 负责, 帮助它们凝结并脱离悬浮液.

许多这样的盐可用于水处理操作, 但是在采矿作业中, we see the use of liquid cationic polymers (such as polyDADMAC) as a more common reagent. 

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絮凝剂 are often made of long-chain polyacrylamide molecules that carry a negative, 或阴离子, 负责. 这些试剂的作用是吸引带正电的粒子, 哪个连着分子上的负电荷. 当微小的固体颗粒积聚在链条上时, 聚集体形成并获得足够的质量从悬浮中掉落,refore creating a clean water phase and a thickened settled sludge zone in the bottom of the 增稠剂. 在这种情况下, accumulated mud has an appreciably higher solids concentration than the incoming feed. 这些颗粒沉淀的水通过增稠器上升, 在那里它流过外围的堰流进一个集洗池. 这些水通常被引导到一个大水箱中, 它在哪里等待作为工厂的循环水使用.


现在考虑一下增稠剂能为你做些什么. 下面是两个质量天平. 在左边,你看到一个典型的污水流从一个集料厂. The 增稠剂 in this case produces an underflow solids concentration of 35% solids by weight. 因此,溢流出口的澄清水为1588 m3/hr. 这意味着水的立即采收率超过88%. 这1588立方米/小时没有被送到池塘,现在可以重新利用.  

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此外, 如果浓缩器和工艺水箱放置在工厂附近, 从远处池塘取水回来的能量大大减少了. 

如上所述,增稠剂有多种设计. The design that is right for your plant largely depends on your goals for handling the underflow slurry. The most common 增稠剂 style in the mining industry is the High-Rate 增稠剂. 这是因为从资本的角度来看,它不仅是最便宜的, but it will often produce an underflow that is easily handled with conventional centrifugal slurry pumps — all while getting the most bang for the buck in returned water.

高密度的增稠剂 may be considered if you are planning on dry stacking your fine waste by processing the sludge through a recessed 压滤机 或类似装置.

粘贴增稠剂 are utilized to gain maximum water removal by sedimentation methods alone. 顾名思义,这些装置被设计用来生产浆糊. Pastes are defined as slurries in which there is no further separation of free water from the slurry.


通过使用过滤方法可以实现进一步的水回收. 这种方法在历史上是带式压滤机, but recent improvements and developments with recessed plate presses have shown that this latter technology offers many more benefits, 包括一贯干燥的滤饼, no additional use of flocculant post 增稠剂 and cake products that often hit compaction requirements for surface disposal. 考虑上表中质量平衡给出的例子, a recessed 压滤机 could well improve the sludge solids concentration from 35% to perhaps 75-85% solids by weight. 压机操作的类似质量平衡如下:

typical-recessed-filter-plate-mass-balance.png?mtime = 20190116095130 #资产:9888


与上述增稠剂结合使用, addition of a recessed plate press shows a 98% recovery of your process water. 什么东西进了沉淀池? 没有什么. 现在不需要沉淀池了, 因为饼可以由传送带或前端装载机和运输卡车处理. 

不像其他人可能会推行千篇一律的解决方案, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 can and will assist you with options for your specific needs in water recovery and tailings. 根据材料特性的不同,有许多因素会起作用, 你的水化学和从上面描述的操作中获得的反应.

To ensure that you are informed about the actual performances you can expect with your material, 我们维持着 实验室 其中,我们进行了静态和动态沉降试验, 所产生污泥的流变特性, 过滤研究和激光衍射颗粒尺寸小于0.1微米. All these tests enable us to give you an eyes-wide-open expectation of what we can do together in assisting your operations. 

标签: 尾矿 & 水资源管理


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