Preventative Maintenance and Winter Care Tips for Pumps, Cyclones and 脱水屏幕

预防性维护应该是任何长期运行的重要组成部分. 在这个博客中, 我们着眼于如何延长泵的使用寿命, 通过预防性维护的旋风和脱水筛, 其中包括冬季护理的准备工作.

The key element of any effective preventative maintenance is establishing a schedule and checklist that are set in stone. Both of these items should incorporate recommendations from the manufacture and learned experiences. 


One of the easiest and often overlooked parts of preventative maintenance is a simple daily inspection. 每件设备将有一个正常的操作外观,声音和感觉.

Once you learn what the signs of normal operation are, problem conditions should stand out. 去学习那些常态, it takes everyday inspection and being physically around the equipment to establish the baselines for comparison.

A number of things show up as housekeeping issues that turn out to be indicators of equipment issues.


  • 不明原因的材料堆积或泄漏可能表明部件磨损. 
  • 池溢出可能是泵磨损或旋风分离器堵塞的指示. 
  • 一个旋风溢出箱倒也可能表明一个阻塞的旋风. 
  • Excessive splatter at the Cyclone underflow launder would point to a worn-out apex.

并不是所有的泄漏都是问题的征兆. 取决于所使用的密封压盖类型, 水可以在密封点释放, 但这是意料之中的. 你需要考虑什么是正常的量. 

In the case of a dry gland on a 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Pump, five to 50 drips per minute is normal. 任何超出这个范围的东西都会引起关注. 再一次,这指出有必要看看什么是正常的,什么是异常的 磨损的早期预警信号.


到目前为止, 我已经谈到了一个人可能看到的东西, 但是触摸和声音可以提供信息反馈. 

泵和 脱水筛 有正常的震动,但是 旋风没有活动部件 除了穿过它的浆液. 当旋风剧烈摇晃时,肯定有什么地方出了问题. 最常见的问题来源是浆液中的空气. This is not only a problem for the Cyclone but most likely an issue with the Pump.

Vibration can be seen and felt, but when it is heard, there is going to be some damage. Both Pumps and screens operate at high RPM — and that means a lot of impacts per minute. 屏幕撞在护栏或扶手上可能看起来并不重要, 但是安装后, 筛网应有足够的间隙以避免接触. Contact with a guard or handrail means something has changed either with the structure around it or with the screen itself.

The cause of any banging on a screen or Pump should be immediately investigated and corrected.


除了每天的演练, weekly and monthly scheduled inspections can identify potential problems before they can become serious. This level of inspection will have a little more hands-on action and may involve written procedures to accomplish. 

These inspections can normally be done while the equipment is operating as long as safety precautions are observed. In some cases, short downtime may be needed to check the torque on fasteners.

压力等指标, 温度, 应分析流量和安培读数是否有急剧和渐进的变化. Any sharp changes should be handled immediately, while gradual changes generally mean worn parts. 



当一件设备有活动部件时, 润滑成为必不可少的预防性维护任务. 

On a Pump, the bearing housing requires lubrication, as may the gland if it is a packed gland. 

packed-gland.jpg?mtime = 20191105095726 #资产:45322

A packed gland uses graphite braiding (sometimes called rope) to keep the slurry from flowing out to protect the shaft. Because it is in direct contact with the shaft, it has to have some lubricating properties.

On a 脱水筛, the vibrating motors may have special lubrication requirements. 

因为维护运动部件的重要性, lubrication instructions from the manufacturer should be completely understood. Assuming a lubrication plan can void the warranty and allow damage to an expensive piece of equipment.

Depending on the requirement, lubrication can be incorporated in the routine inspections. Automatic lubrication can help ensure timely doses but must be maintained with an adequate supply of lubricant. 


Inspecting the equipment from the outside can only tell so much — there is a time to break out the tools and look inside. The wear parts on a Pump and Cyclone can only be seen when the unit is at least partially dissembled. 

It is also difficult and unsafe to perform certain actions on operating equipment. Lock Out/Tag Out procedures need to be employed prior to any work being performed. This level of inspection is detailed in equipment manuals and should not be deviated from without good reason.



冬天对闲置的设备来说是最糟糕的. 最大的问题是液体结冰的可能性, 下面两个步骤可以防止它可能造成的损害:

        1. 清除所有积水,防止积水聚集或淤积. 

        2. 保护/覆盖所有电气元件和引线. 

虽然没想得那么多, 太阳本身也会损坏设备, so the addition of a third step (below) can go a long way in making sure the equipment is ready to run when you need it. 

        3. 覆盖橡胶和聚氨酯部件,防止紫外线损坏.

Pumps have a distinctive issue because of the possibility of residual water being contained within. 在冰天雪地里, water increases its volume (in the form of ice) by about 9% under atmospheric pressure. Without room to expand, it will apply forces to the Pump casing and may cause damage.

如果机组有排水塞,解决方案是相当容易的. The removable plug allows the water to be drained while leaving the piping for the system in place. 

放油塞.jpg?mtime = 20191105095109 #资产:45323

In situations when a Pump does not have a drain plug or the Pump has been rotated for a different discharge orientation, 那么最好的办法就是把外壳敲开. 为了打开外壳, 虽然, it is usually necessary to remove the suction piping and the discharge piping to allow enough of an opening to ensure complete draining. 

I have been asked if anti-freeze can be used to avoid cracking open the casing, 但我从来没有推荐过, 特别是橡胶内衬泵. 而橡胶确实有一定程度的耐化学性, the possibility of the chemicals attacking it when in contact for long periods can make the situation remarkably worse. 

除了, antifreeze is rated down to a specific 温度 and Mother Nature does not read instructions. Removing the water is the only way to ensure the destructive expansion does not occur when it freezes.


当一个泵, 旋风筛和脱水筛会有不同的问题, 他们都将受益于预防性维护计划. 设备寿命的延长本身就会带来回报, but you will also have a more informed workforce because they see issues before they become problems.

标签: 脱水, 洗 & 分类


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