What Is the Expected Wear Life for Rubber Liners?

January 8, 2021
Rubber liners are often the most cost-effective wear material, but how long they last depends largely on the type of rubber used, the material being processed and how the material is fed.

橡胶衬垫等部件的磨损寿命是任何湿式装置运行的重要组成部分. 易损件的成本和与维修相关的停机时间可能是对站点利润的重大消耗. 

由于天然橡胶具有抗砂粒等研磨性颗粒的能力,因此在许多应用中已成为标准的衬里材料. Abrasive particles strike the resilient rubber surface, which returns most of kinetic energy to the particle. It is this ability of the rubber to deform under load, 吸收撞击,然后将撞击产生的能量返回给粒子, that make it a popular liner choice for aggregate processing equipment. 

In most cases, a rubber liner is the most cost-effective wear material.  


Rubber liner inside the inlet of a cyclone. 

How To Select Rubber Liners

回顾几个因素可以帮助您为应用程序选择最合适的磨损表面, but determining the driving wear factor can be difficult. 以下是天然橡胶衬垫的因素,因为这些在工业中很常见. 

Particle Momentum

Size and Weight


当颗粒撞击表面并吸收动能时,橡胶就会变形. 橡胶的弹性将大部分能量返回给颗粒,使其反弹.

When the rubber thickness and composition is correct, the liner will experience little to no wear and no permanent deformation. However, if the particle momentum is too great relative to the rubber thickness, the impact force cannot be absorbed and the rubber may cut or tear. 




Rubber liners have to have enough time to rebound to avoid damage. 当超过临界速度时,它们无法恢复和吸收能量. In this case, the rubber’s resilience cannot be used to its full extent, and the surface may deteriorate more rapidly. 当速度超过10m/s (30ft/s)时,请考虑更换磨损面.

Frequency of Impact


With slurry applications, the density of the slurry represents this. 除了液体提供有限的缓冲外,低密度浆料的冲击频率也降低. 高密度浆料会通过剪切次数增加磨损率, which decrease the rubber’s ability to rebound. 

密度和速度对任何材料的磨损寿命都起着重要作用. 所有磨损表面应避免使用高密度和高速泥浆.  

Particle Shape


Material with sharp edges can cut or tear the rubber on impact, especially in high-density applications. 在系统的湿工艺部分之前粉碎的材料可能会产生粗糙或锯齿状的轮廓. In many cases, 在湿工厂之前用输送机和筛网处理物料可以降低颗粒的清晰度. 

在整个过程中,沙子受到一定程度的磨损. As the material goes through these transfer and screening points, the sand rubs against itself, 主要攻击锐边,将表面分类降至“粗糙”. 保持极端锯齿状轮廓的材料将需要替代衬垫材料, such as a higher durometer (or harder) rubber, ceramic or hardened metal.

Angle of Impact and Sliding Wear

在斜槽的设计中,颗粒相对于磨损面的冲击角是非常重要的, hoppers and rubber linings in general.

The effect of different angles on wear rate can be significant. At a 90° impact angle, resilience is the major factor in resisting wear, but as the impact angle reduces to around 50°, tear resistance becomes more important.

At very low impact angles, a flat, natural rubber with a high slide wear resistance best handles slurries. 这适用于磨料力与表面切向或在平面上的应用.

泥浆应用有一个变化的冲击角度,特别是在泵内. 管道和其他泥浆流动区域应避免方向的急剧变化.  

Rubber Hardness and Physical Properties

In broad terms, 更硬的橡胶(更高的硬度)是首选抵抗高冲击/切削力,经常发生在处理粗糙和尖锐的材料.

低硬度橡胶在磨料浆服务或滑动磨损中提供了极好的效果,其中细到中等颗粒被处理. 其他物理属性通常在优化性能方面发挥重要作用.

选择正确橡胶的关键是探索其应用,确定主要磨损系数,选择最佳的性能组合. In a greenfield application, 很难预先确定哪个特征是最主要的. Nearby applications can provide insight to the right choice.

Alternate Wear Material to Natural Rubber

Natural rubber provides the highest, most cost-effective wear life in the majority of sand applications, even when the material is manufactured sand. In applications where the wear life of natural rubber is not acceptable, there are alternative wear materials available.

High Durometer Rubber

当材料的形状和材料尺寸是磨损的高因素, a high durometer rubber can provide greater rip and tear resistance. In some applications, the benefit can be one to three times longer wear life, 但高硬度橡胶在某些高密度工艺中的有效性受到限制.

Hard Metal

硬金属表面抗撕裂磨损,但易受高冲击引起的磨损. The slurry interfacing with a metal surface is much like using sandpaper. 一个人会很累,砂纸在造成任何严重损害之前就会磨损, but the constant flow of a slurry will leave a mark. The hardness of the material is a key driver of wear on a metal surface. 破碎机磨损衬套的寿命可以表明硬金属衬套是否能提供良好的磨损寿命解决方案.


陶瓷衬垫具有良好的耐磨性,通常可以提供比天然橡胶长两到四倍的寿命, 但这种类型的衬垫在大颗粒和高冲击应用中可能会损坏. 陶瓷衬垫很难在移动部件和复杂形状周围使用.

As a default, 除非对磨损问题有明确的了解,否则可能会在湿式加工设备上使用天然橡胶衬垫. Nearby deposits, test pilot plant results, laboratory tests 其他指标可以帮助提前提供重要信息,并确定是否需要替代耐磨材料. When evaluating a new deposit, keep the above information in mind.  

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