Manure Augers

螺旋钻可以是一个很好的方式来帮助乳制品生产商管理他们的奶牛粪便. 它们可以用来将粪便从牲口棚远距离转移到储存或处理设施, or they can be used to load spreaders or other processing equipment.

与泵不同,螺旋钻有很大的间隙,可以以最小的问题运输碎屑. 它们也非常通用,有各种尺寸可供选择, lengths, 马力和材料的建设,以适应几乎任何项目和预算. McLanahan的工程团队可以设计出完整的物料输送系统,以最大限度地减少操作员从谷仓或加工设施中移动物料的时间.

粪肥钻机是建立在麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的高品质标准的性能和可靠性. 一些螺旋钻组件也建造输送机设备制造商协会(CEMA)的标准, and heavy-duty options are available for nearly every auger. 几个最常见的应用包括:粪便运输横跨独立式谷仓, conveyance of dewatered manure fibers, metering sand-laden manure into a sand separation system, loading manure spreaders with sand-laden manure, conveying dried manure or sand, conveyance into and out of a drying system, and metering materials out of a hopper.

How Manure Augers Work

Manure Augers are versatile and simple. 电动机和齿轮减速器使包含飞行的轴以预定的速度转动. 一个外壳或槽包含轴和需要输送的材料. 当轴转动时,气流将物料从槽的一端推进到另一端. 安全罩用于帮助控制材料并提供安全.

In most modern freestall barns, 粪肥要么被刮掉,要么被从粪肥巷冲进输送槽. For scraped manure systems, 麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全螺旋钻可以放置在一个水平槽中,以便将粪便输送到接收槽. A drive is located at one end of the auger, and safety grating covers the areas where manure is pushed in. 在拖拉机刮削时,螺旋钻可以手动打开,在使用刮泥机时,螺旋钻可以自动打开. 螺旋钻运行一段时间后会自动关闭.

安装在储罐中的螺旋钻在倾斜上运行,并将物料从储罐中输送到另一个设备中. 这些螺旋钻有预先成形的金属槽,可以与螺杆轴产生紧密的公差. To decrease the abrasive wear on the auger trough, 衬套安装在槽和螺杆轴之间,必要时可以拆卸和更换.

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Why McLanahan Manure Augers

麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全是使用螺旋钻输送肥料和沙子的先驱. Every day, 我们的数百个螺旋钻系统为世界各地各种规模的奶牛场输送数千加仑的粪便和沙子. These systems are simple, robust, versatile and very cost-effective.

McLanahan can supply many different types of augers. Horizontal Manure Augers 是用来转移粪肥的,这些粪肥被推到自由式巷子的尽头. 他们把粪便穿过几百英尺的谷仓运到储存地点. 多种密封选项是可用的,这取决于粪肥将得到与驱动器的关系有多深. Bearings, screw shafts, hangars and drives are available in a variety of configurations, 包括重载选项,以确保在恶劣条件下的长使用寿命.

Inclined Manure Augers 是用来把粪便从储存区搬到另一个设备上的,通常是一个 Sand-Manure Separator, which requires the manure be metered in at a consistent rate. In other cases, a Spreader Loading Auger can load a manure spreader at a very high volume. In any case, 这些倾斜的粪肥螺旋钻的设计和建造都是精心设计的,使它们经久耐用,易于维护.

Frequently Asked Questions About Manure Augers

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麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全粪肥钻机最初是为输送沙肥而设计的, so they are built to withstand that abrasive environment. 

There are several things that make our augers unique:

  • 施工-这些螺旋钻的设计可以在最恶劣的应用下持续使用. 这意味着在正确的地方使用正确类型的材料. 这也意味着易损件易于更换,维护合理.
  • Flighting options — We know that in a highly abrasive environment, flighting is one of the first things to wear out. 我们根据不同的应用提供不同的材料等级和厚度的飞行. Our standard grade for the 11" and 18" augers are Hardox 450. Our 12" augers comes with a mild steel flight but can be upgraded. Our standard thickness ranges from 3/16" up to 3/8". We can go as thick as 3/4" in some cases.
  • 密封选项-我们需要保护我们销售的每台机器的电机和变速箱. 在某些情况下,这很容易,但在其他情况下,我们必须更加谨慎. In the easy cases, we can supply a standard lip seal. In the most severe applications, we'll provide the system with a metal face seal, 哪一种能够长时间浸泡在沙子和粪肥中.
  • Drive options — We can offer belt drives, gear motor drives and hydraulic drives to suit the installation.
  • 尺寸和流量-每个系统都由我们的工程团队进行检查,以确保设备达到或超过客户的期望. 凭借我们广泛的尺寸和长度范围,我们可以完成广泛的散装运输目标.

很少有一种适合所有设备选择的解决方案. This is no different with our auger systems. 许多标准组件可作为库存立即交货, but there are also many ways to customize the augers for your specific needs.

The longest distance with a single drive is more than 200 feet. 通过使用多个端对端放置的螺旋继续转移粪便,可以将粪便输送到更远的距离. The table below shows some standard lengths and horsepower.

Power Requirements for Conveying Sand-Laden Manure

Length (ft)

Drive Horsepower (hp)

Service Rating

12 3 Standard-Duty
24 5 Standard-Duty
36-72 7.5  Standard-Duty
84-108 10 Standard-Duty
120-168 15 Heavy-Duty
180+ 20 Heavy-Duty

You can save money several ways. With McLanahan’s heavy-duty Manure Augers, 在系统的维护和保养上投入的时间和金钱更少. Also, 当使用水平粪肥螺旋钻从小巷的尽头移动粪肥时, the tractor operator spends less time chasing the manure to the pit.

许多螺旋钻被用来将粪便从谷仓转移到储存地点. If the auger will be subjected to extended freezing conditions, a timer can be used to jog the auger on and keep it from freezing. Also, 建议在寒冷期间用干草捆或类似的东西覆盖螺旋钻,以尽量减少冻结的风险.


Features & Benefits
  • Tested and proven in the dairy industry
  • Complete units are available as stock for quick delivery
  • Huge parts inventory for after-sale support
  • Available in a wide variety of drive options
  • 根据应用程序的严重程度,有几种可用的密封选项
  • Heavy-duty screwshafts are available
  • 广泛的选择轴承是可用的,包括麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全低轴承组件
  • Engineering staff are available for design, layout and support

Need Some Help?

Our customer service team is here to help you 24/7. 我们可以为您运送零件,派遣现场服务技术人员到您的现场,并回答您的任何问题. Whatever you need, we are here for you.